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When we saw this response to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, we had to share! Carl Safina of the Blue Ocean Institute said it best:

KPA/Zuma/Rex Features

“Don’t believe the globe is warming? Here’s one thing everyone agrees on: the fact that oil spills. Even without global warming—even if global warming is a hoax—we must, finally, eventually, kick the carbon-energy addiction. The fact that oil spills is among those reasons…” [Read the rest of his post here]

By Lydia Krupinski

We are at a pivotal moment in our earth’s history. Most certainly by this point any path we choose will result in calamity. The task at hand is to choose a course that will result in the least amount of consequences. And what a task that is.

As world leaders gather in Copenhagen to find possible solutions to this international crisis, we encourage you to be an active and responsive audience.

Not being the most politically astute individual, I find it difficult to wade through the mountains of information pouring in from the conference. To help sort the facts out, here’s a website devoted to tracking the meeting’s activities.

Busy, busy, busy. The story of our lives. If you’re like me and have little time to scroll through your favorite news source’s site looking for green news, then you’ll love this simple site: EcoTechDaily.

the daily five

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Pierogi Picnic

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